Can ChatGPT and TawkTo work Together for WHMCS

Asked the same question to ChatGPT, answer is below but no info about ChatGPT configueration.

Yes, ChatGPT and TawkTo can work together for WHMCS.

WHMCS is a popular web hosting automation platform that allows businesses to manage their web hosting and domain registration services. TawkTo is a live chat software that enables businesses to communicate with their customers in real-time.

You can integrate TawkTo into WHMCS by following these steps:

  1. Install and activate the TawkTo module in WHMCS.
  2. Obtain your TawkTo account ID and enter it into the module configuration.
  3. Configure the module settings to your preferences, such as enabling/disabling the chat widget on specific pages.
  4. Save your changes and test the integration to ensure it’s working correctly.

Once the integration is complete, you can use ChatGPT and TawkTo together to provide real-time support to your customers. Customers can initiate a chat session with your business through the TawkTo widget on your website, and you can use ChatGPT to respond to their inquiries.

This integration can help improve your customer support experience by providing immediate assistance and personalized interactions.

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Hi AcharyaGroup,

Thank you for reaching out to us with your feature request. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product and appreciate your feedback.

At the moment, we are finalizing the development of a set of AI-powered features for our dashboard. These features will provide our users with valuable insights and improve their overall experience. We will be releasing more information about these features soon.

We also understand the importance of expanding our integrations with WHMCS and are currently exploring ways to enhance this integration. Your suggestion aligns with our development roadmap, and we will take it into consideration as we plan for future updates.

Thank you for your continued support and please let us know if you have any further suggestions or feedback.

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Hi, quick question does this Ai bot tools that you announced earlier on Twitter will be free or will be a paid add on ?

AI bot or suggestion prompt would be very welcomed.

We are leveraging OpenAI models already. Once chat is done we parse the Tawk’s notification email, summarize and insert the chat conversation summary into our internal CRM system. Works great! I just wish this could be provided by default for other users.
Based on the prompt the OpenAI model also suggests if there is any action that needs to be taken.

Other option we’d love to see is to connect AI bot to our internal manuals using something like Langchain - this could be very helpful.

Our goal is not to replace people but give them better insights when responding to the user.

Can hardly wait for this awsome sweet update. really great job

Hey there,
Great wonderful thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful piece of information really informative