Enhance Your Customer Support with tawk.to's JavaScript API

Hey there! Are you familiar with the tawk.to JavaScript API? It provides a flexible set of methods that you can use in your web projects.

To use the API, all you need to do is call one of the methods below after the embed code on your page. The JavaScript API can be used to manipulate the chat widget displayed on your website, which makes it perfect for customizing the user experience.

Some popular use-cases for the tawk.to JavaScript API include setting a visitor’s name and email, as well as automating processes at the beginning or end of a chat. The possibilities are really endless, and we’re always excited to see how our users are using the API in creative ways.

If you want to learn more about the tawk.to JavaScript API, you can check out the developer portal for more information. And if you end up using the API in your project, be sure to share it with us - we’d love to see what you come up with!

I have used tawk chat-bot into my application. Now I want the functionality that when a user log in to the app and open the chat widget the user info such as name email auto fill there from the database of my application and show it there rather showing this interface.

I used this code but it is not working.

// @ts-ignore
import TawkMessengerReact from ‘@tawk.to/tawk-messenger-react’;
import CryptoJS from ‘crypto-js’;
import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from ‘react’;

interface ITawkComponent {
authUser: any;
lang: string;

declare global {
interface Window {
Tawk_API: any; // Adjust the type accordingly if you have more specific information about the Tawk API

const TawkComponent: React.FC = ({ authUser, lang }) => {
const tawkMessengerRef = useRef();

// Function to hash user ID
function hashInBase64(userId: string): string {
const secretKey = ‘b4a7d6783ff8**********f3c952d2a561dba883’;
const hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(userId, secretKey);
const hashInBase64 = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(hash);
return hashInBase64;

const loginToTawk = useCallback(() => {
if (!authUser) return; // Check if user information is available

const hash = hashInBase64(authUser.userId);

window.Tawk_API = window.Tawk_API || {};
    hash: hash,
    userId: authUser.userId,
    name: authUser.userName,
    email: authUser.userEmail,
  function (error: any) {
    if (error) {
      console.error('Error occurred while logging in to Tawk:', error);
      // Handle error if needed
    } else {
      console.log('User logged in to Tawk successfully');
      // You can add further actions if login is successful

}, [authUser]);

const onChatMaximized = useCallback(() => {
}, [loginToTawk]);

useEffect(() => {
const script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.async = true;
script.charset = ‘UTF-8’;
script.setAttribute(‘crossorigin’, ‘*’);

const widgetId = lang === 'en' || lang === 'de' ? '1g***d3ld' : '1ge***ccu';
script.src = `https://embed.tawk.to/633605c******e12d8979f6c/${widgetId}`;

script.onload = () => {
  window.Tawk_API = window.Tawk_API || {};
  window.Tawk_API.onLoad = () => {
    // Additional logic on Tawk load if needed


return () => {

}, [lang]);

return (
widgetId={lang === ‘en’ || lang === ‘de’ ? '1g
d3ld’ : '1ge

export default TawkComponent;