[400 Bad Request] validation_error: article.meta.categories[0].name on create article

Hello! I have such a problem.
When I create a category of knowledge base, everything is ok:

AUTH=$(echo -n '<my_api_key>:' | base64)
    "category": {
        "content": {
            "description": "Test description",
            "name": "Test title",
            "siteId": "primary",
            "slug": "test-slug"
        "meta": {
            "position": 0
    "propertyId": "<my_property_id>"

curl -X 'POST' 'https://api.tawk.to/v1/knowledge-base.category.create' \
  -H "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d "$CATEGORY"

# {
#     "ok":true,
#     "data":{
#         "category":{
#             "id":"666bf8c0d0c0ad149089c0e0",
#             "meta":{
#                 "sites":["primary"],
#                 "icon":null,
#                 "parent":null,
#                 "position":0,
#                 "articlesCount":0,
#                 "createdAt":"2024-06-14T08:01:04.382Z",
#                 "updatedAt":"2024-06-14T08:01:04.382Z"},
#                 "content":{
#                     "siteId":"primary",
#                     "name":"Test title",
#                     "description":"Test description",
#                     "slug":"test-slug",
#                     "createdAt":"2024-06-14T08:01:04.382Z",
#                     "updatedAt":"2024-06-14T08:01:04.382Z"
#                 }
#             }
#         }
#     }
# }

But when I try to create an article, I get error:

    "article": {
        "content": {
            "title": "Test article title",
            "siteId": "primary",
            "slug": "test-article-slug",
            "status": "published",
            "contents": [
                    "type": "paragraph",
                    "content": {
                        "text": "Test paragraph"
        "meta": {
            "categories": [
                    "id": "666bf8c0d0c0ad149089c0e0",
                    "name": "Test title",
                    "primary": true
            "visibility": "public"
    "propertyId": "<my_property>"

curl -X 'POST' 'https://api.tawk.to/v1/knowledge-base.article.create' \
  -H "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d "$ARTICLE"

# {
#    "ok":false,
#    "error":"validation_error",
#    "message":"article.meta.categories[0].name"
# }

The category name does not contain any special characters.

1 Like

@MaximS did you find a solution? I have the same issue.

Hello! No, I wrote to support email four months ago, they answered that reported about bug to developers and still nothing was fixed.