[AI Assist] Using Base Prompt to introduce options as clickable buttons

Hello community.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Last Friday we released an update that added new Data Source types: Document and Website ingestion. I wanted to share an experimental AI Assist Base Prompt that you could potentially use together with your newly uploaded CSV product lists or any other scenario where engaging options need to be presented.

The Base Prompt I use follows this structure:

  • When you list out options or alternatives, each choice should be written as [option] followed by the choice. For instance, if you’re suggesting different products, present them like this:
    [option] Product 1
    [option] Product 2
    [option] Product 3
    [option] Product 4

In order to demonstrate this I’ve set up a test property that is selling set of meal kits:

Once visitor clicks one of the buttons, in this case ‘’Greek Salad Kit’’ AI will be able to pull up its entry from the Product list CSV in order to produce a detailed reply:
The CSV file used for demonstration looks like this:

I hope this helps and inspires you to create your own versions of this prompt or find new and innovative uses for it. Remember, as with all experimental prompts, the performance of this is highly dependent on the context and the materials given, so there might be some inconsistencies.

If you want me to take a look at your setup and help you optimize it, feel free to reach out to me directly at ralfs@tawk.to. I would be more than happy to help.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and looking forward to seeing the amazing things you’ll build with this!

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Hi Ralph. I have a base prompt that presents users with two buttons if AI can’t find an answer. I’ve seen several chat transcripts where a non-English user gets the Spanish translation of the base prompt instructions, but since AI will only process the English “[option]” the buttons don’t appear to the user.

See screenshots for the typical response to an English-speaking user, and then what happens with a non-English user.

How do I adjust my base prompt to tell AI to always use “[option]” but to use the non-English button text when needed?

Maybe others in the community have run across this issue before.

it happens to me as well, no matter the language

Hi guys,

Option buttons trough base prompt can get bit tricky for multi language setups.

Current workaround I came up with is:

  1. Asking AI never to translate [option]
  2. Giving AI examples of how the button would look when translated
  • if user is looking for technical support, respond with ‘’ For technical support, please visit our example.helpcenter.com or click the button below to be transferred to our Level 2 Support team (during business hours) [option] Transfer me to Level 2 support’’ This message should always be translated to users preferred language except for word ‘’[option]‘’ which should always be in English as its used by system. Transfer me to Level 2 support should also be translated to users language. For example, for requests in Spanish message should end with “[option] Transfiérame al Nivel 2”
    in German: “[option] Verbinden Sie mich mit Stufe 2”
    in French “[option] Transférez-moi au Niveau 2”
    in Italian “[option]Trasferiscimi al Livello 2”

It works when you provide an example in each language you would expect user to ask for it, but it is somewhat inconsistent if you ask for it in language that does not have example listed.
This prompt may not be perfect, but if your Base Prompt space allows for it, you can cover some of the main languages of your visitors.

Update: I found another version of prompt that does translate without providing exmaples:

  • if user is looking for technical support, respond with ‘’ For technical support, please visit our example.helpcenter.com 1 or click the button below to be transferred to our Level 2 Support team (during business hours) [option] Transfer me to Level 2 support’’ This message should always be translated to users preferred language except for word ‘’[option]‘’ which should always be in English as its used by system. Transfer me to Level 2 support should also be translated to users language. For example, for requests
    in other languages ‘’[option] <translation of transfer me to level 2 support in their language>‘’

Hope this helps.

Hi Ralph. Ahh yes, I didn’t think to tell it not to translate the option button. I added this to my base prompt:

  • Never translate the word ‘’[option]‘’

And now it works! I tested it with several languages and it worked with all of them.
