AI schedule not working correctly

I don’t know if this is just my issuse, but I noticed (second weekend in a row) that on Sunday, when I checked in schedule that AI should be online all day, it doesn’t work. When customers writes something it displays chat request and AI doesn’t respond. And the issue does not occur on Saturday.


Hi kacz2n,

Thank you for your report.

Could you confirm that your scheduler time zone is set up correctly and that each individual day is set to ‘‘Open’’?

If you can email me screenshots of how your setup looks at I can help you further.

I think I figured out my problem. When I’m on my native language (polish) I see first day labeled “poniedziałek” meaning Monday. But when I switch language to english I see the first day as “Sunday” and the hours set are still the same as for polish “Monday”, so I think the problem is in translation somewhere.

Thank you for your report.

This has been forwarded to our developers and will be addressed in future updates.

i can confirm the same thing, AI responds outside of schedule hours.

Did you check if it’s the same issue? When you change language to english you see that scheduling is not the same as it is in your native language?

Hi guys,

With yesterday’s update to Shortcut system, we started noticing some irregularities with AI Assist scheduler re-surface.
Our developers are aware of this issue and are looking into this.

Hopefully, this will be sorted out this week.