[Apollo AI] Using Base Prompt to capture more detailed leads

Hello everybody,

Today I wanted to share with you a simple trick that you can apply to your Lead Capture Base Prompts to make sure all of the relevant details are collected in order.

  • once you have confirmed [attribute1] , confirm [attribute2]

For example,

-once you have confirmed visitors name, confirm which product or service they are interested in
-once you have confirmed which service visitor is interested in, confirm if they are looking for monthly or annual subscription


-once you have confirmed travel destination, confirm date of travel.
-once you have confirmed travel date, confirm best phone number to reach the visitor at

Here are some other examples of Base Prompts to optimize for Lead Capture-

Start of chat:

  • at start of conversation say ‘’‘Welcome to our website!’’ and ask to confirm users name
  • user starts conversation by filling a form, in response to this, confirm if they are looking for a quote

End of Chat:

  • once you have confirmed [attribute1] [attribute2] [attribute3] and [attribute4], thank user for their details and say that one of the members of our team will be in touch shortly.
  • once you have confirmed best email address and phone number to reach the visitor at, say ‘‘Thank you, we will be in touch’’

Hope these Base Prompts serve as inspiration for tweaking your own setups.

If you need help tweaking your Base Prompt, feel free to reach out to me at ralfs@tawk.to