Can't open second chat from same user

Had someone contact us through the chat, when we were done they closed the chat as expected, but later on they tried to start a new chat with us, I got the notification to say I’d received a message, and I could see them in the Incoming Messages but I couldn’t select them. It’s like the chat is being designated as Closed because it’s from the same person

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After they left the second chat, it then appeared in my Inbox with an Open status

Hi Tony,

Thank you for reaching out.

This is a known UI bug that occurs when the first chat is still visible on the active chat list and the new chat is ringing as incoming. Refreshing the browser tab self-resolves this bug.

We are looking into optimizing this for future updates.

Let us know if you notice anything else.

Hello Tawk,

Thanks for sharing the information.

We also are facing this issue multiple times at our end. Let’s say if there is an ongoing chat is running and a new chat from the same user comes, we can’t join that chat unless we refresh the page.

We’ll look forward to the solution as this issue gain the waiting time of the customers in the chat.


Hi there,

What’s the status about this bug in the desktop app?

It’s really frustrating that you cannot open a new chat by the same user. It’s only just now that I’ve read that a workaround is the browser-version of the app.

Many thanks!

Same issue over here in Desktop APP, waiting for a update soon please!


Dear users,

Are you guys still facing this issue?

We haven’t heard any update/news regarding this issue and seems that the issue is still open and nobody is checking on this or giving an update.

Looking forward to hearing from @Ralph and other tawk team.

Hi guys,

We are planning to change how the chat sessions work, allowing for asynchronous interactions.

Current workaround for cases where user starts and ends chat multiple times within browsing session would be refreshing the dashboard.