Create and update contacts and tickets with RESP API

Hello, I’m trying to create and update contacts via REST API and also updating ticket status via REST API, and I do no see that info in the documentation. Is this possible? Has anyone accomplished this?

Hi Jorge,

Currently, the creation of tickets and contacts is not possible via API, but this is something we are considering for future updates.

It looks like you’re describing a task related to working with a system that has a RESP (Resource Enumeration and Specification Protocol) API for managing contacts and tickets. Here’s a general outline for creating and updating contacts and tickets using a RESP API:
POST /api/contacts
Content-Type: application/json

“name”: “John Doe”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “555-1234”

  1. This creates a new contact with the specified name, email, and phone number.
  2. Update a Contact:
    PUT /api/contacts/{contact_id}
    Content-Type: application/json

“name”: “Updated Name”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “555-5678”

  1. This updates the contact with the specified ID with the new information.
  2. Create a Ticket:
    POST /api/tickets
    Content-Type: application/json

“subject”: “Issue with Product X”,
“description”: “The product is not functioning as expected.”,
“contact_id”: “{contact_id}”

  1. This creates a new ticket associated with a specific contact.
  2. Update a Ticket:
    PUT /api/tickets/{ticket_id}
    Content-Type: application/json

“status”: “In Progress”,
“assigned_to”: “Support Agent A”

  1. This updates the ticket with the specified ID with new status and assignment information.

Please replace {contact_id} and {ticket_id} with the actual IDs of the contact and ticket you want to reference. Additionally, ensure that you have the necessary authentication and authorization in place when interacting with the RESP API. The actual API endpoints and payload structure may vary based on the specific implementation of the RESP API you are working with.