Has potential, needs work

I’ve used a ton of similar services, and this is one of the better ones. However, there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to polish this service into the best.

For starters, collecting PII (names, emails, phone numbers, IPs) without the ability to enable 2FA, this is not acceptable in 2024. You’re asking for an incident.

Also, UI/UX could use some work. Things are a little buggy, like if you message yourself, you can’t close the message. Also, the layout is too busy. Needs better organization. Things jump around too much. take it easy on the animations/actions on hover.

Properties could be explained better, streamlined, and integrated better. It’s ok as it is, but not great. The profile Property doesn’t need to be displayed in the Properties, or should be the minimum needed, instead of requiring another property.

Closing chats, and managing chats in general, is a little lacking. it has a lot of features that are done well, but some not so much.

The integration of knowledge base, tickets, and chat is fantastic. The ability to easily set these services up really makes this product stand out against the rest.

Customization of the chat box is just right. Not too much, not too little.

I like that the add-ons are not forced on you. You get 100 free AI messages a month, and that the core services are free. This is really the ideal configuration for this kind of app.

Overall, I would recommend this product. Though, 2FA really needs to be a priority.