How to limit number of chat per agent

Hi folks !

Is it possible to limit the number of chat per agent at the same time ?



Hi Amadani,

Thanks for your query and welcome to the community!

No, it’s not currently possible to limit the number of chats per agent. is an agent-centric live chat platform, meaning that agents can choose how many chats they want to join based on what they feel comfortable handling.

Curious - why are you interested in creating such a limitation?



Hi Kristaps,

We’ve been looking to find a solution for this also, hence finding this thread that confirms there isn’t one and your question as to why this would be useful.

The reason for wanting a limit is simple - so that an agent doesn’t end up with more chats than they can manage.

Our teams is small, we only have one or two agents online.

However sometimes we have up to ten chats at the same time - difficult for two, impossible for one. Tawk doesn’t limit how many chat requests can be made; as long as one agent is online, an infinite number of chats can be requested. The result is missed chats, or the customer disconnects as subsequent replies aren’t fast enough.

So setting a limit on how many active chats an agent can take would be very helpful; if all agents are at capacity then then chat widget disappears.

And/or a queue system.

It would be a very simple but useful feature.

Thank you.