Hello, there appears to be two problems detected and encountered on your website for creating articles in one’s knowledge base.
Problem 1: I want to hyperlink an image in my knowledge-base article to a website page on the Internet, and I do not see any options there in the block to apply this attribute to the image to do it. The only option is a field for retrieving an image from the Internet to display an image in the article. But there is no option there to link an image placed in my article from my image gallery or it to go to a website on the Internet when a visitor clicks on it.
Problem 2: The other problem is that when using the “insert code” feature, it literally displays the code on the page after publishing it, and not the results of the code. I have tried both ways, for both rendering results, and for formatting (with tables, color, and all), and it only displays literally the code when published, but never the results of that code.
Please let me know the solution, or please fix these issues on your website.
Much appreciated,
Sr. Lopez.
The Freelance Cat