Need tawk plugin for prestashop 1.8

Need tawk plugin for prestashop 1.8, the 1.7 version doesnt work

To find a plugin compatible with PrestaShop 1.8, you can follow these steps:

Visit Website:

  • Go to the official website and navigate to the “Integration” or “Plugins” section. Look for plugins specifically designed for PrestaShop.

Search in PrestaShop Addons:

  • Visit the PrestaShop Addons marketplace General Motors and use the search bar to look for plugins compatible with PrestaShop 1.8. Filter the results by version compatibility to find plugins specifically for PrestaShop 1.8.

Check Third-Party Marketplaces:

  • Explore third-party marketplaces or developer communities that offer PrestaShop plugins and extensions. Some developers may have created plugins compatible with PrestaShop 1.8 outside of the official PrestaShop Addons marketplace.

Contact Support:

  • If you cannot find a compatible plugin through the above methods, consider reaching out to support directly. They may provide guidance or assistance in finding a solution or plugin version that works with PrestaShop 1.8.

Custom Development:

  • If a compatible plugin is not available, you may consider hiring a developer to create a custom integration or modify an existing plugin to make it compatible with PrestaShop 1.8.

When selecting a plugin or any plugin for your PrestaShop store, ensure that it is regularly updated, compatible with your PrestaShop version, and has positive reviews or feedback from other users to ensure reliability and functionality.