[Solved] JavaScript Error on the tawk.to WordPress Integration

Hello, I have fully configured TAWK.TO on my WordPress site, but it’s not working. When I check the website (https://boliche.gt/), I can see the following JavaScript error: Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got end of script twk-vendor.js:2:53434. It seems to be preventing the widget from functioning properly. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?

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Yeah, I think everyone does - not sure if Tawk.to are doing anything about it?

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I am having the same issue which seems to have started a few days ago. Any help?

I’m experiencing the same issue with the error message: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (at twk-chunk-vendors.js:2:191924). Until 24 hours ago, everything was working perfectly.

I am also experiencing this issue. This was working last week.

When I view this twk-vendor.js file in Dev Tools, I can see that the file is not complete. Has this recently been republished with an issue?

Hello, how did you solve it?

Hi Tawk Support - just fyi we’re getting exactly the same (latest Chrome) having upgraded our widget to the latest version to check problems seen today.
Problems can be seen in Chrome console

Thanks for your help,

p.s Ours is a straight embed of the widget (not a wp integration)

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Yesterday, we had the same. We waited patiently. And today you repaired it. Thank you.

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