Unable to Update Details Error When Saving a Knowledge Base Article

Under Knowledge Base, when I create a new article and go to hit “Save Draft” or “Publish” an error pops up to say that that it is “Unable to Update Details”. So I am unable to add any new content to the Knowledge Base. This error has been showing up since late last week and I have lost a new article I created due to this error.

Hi @pcinlibraries,

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. Upon investigating, this is most likely due to an existing article that already has the same slug (URL). We will update the error message to relay this.

Could you please try changing the slug before saving to see if that fixes the issue?
You can keep the same title, but each slug must be unique.

Thank you! It seems to be working now. I’ll keep in mind that the slug needs to be different moving forward.

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