Widget closing instead of minimizing

Good day,

our current use case Prestashop 1.7.8, installed widget using widget module from GitHub. Everything works except a close button cannot be configured from tawk.to admin panel to minimize widget.

Currently when customer visits the store, the tawk.to widget pop-ups suggesting to talk. If customer presses large X - the widget closes without an option to re-open. The chrome tab still “blinks” with 1 message incoming.

I scanned and search technical documentation and community support threads but couldn’t find anything. ChatGPT suggest that there is no such function to minimize and not close permanently.

Can anyone suggest a no-code solution or maybe a hidden settings?


Hope all is well.

If the widget is embedded correctly it should automatically minimize to the corner of the website when ‘‘X’’ is clicked.

Try embedding the widget code just before the tag of your website to make sure no other site elements are placed in front of it, preventing visitors from seeing it.

For more personalized support you can reach out to me directly at ralfs@tawk.to

Best regards,

I used admin panel installer to install the tawk.to module. So I didn’t do any coding to the page itself.

My it guy will take a look at my poor job and fix it if. Seems like there is a problem with installation