Ability to choose chat widget icon

Having the ability to change the chat widget icon itself would be great. Similar to another suggestion I made - the chat widget is also the entryway to the knowledge base and having the ability to make it something more universal - like a question mark would encourage users to use the tool. They may not want to chat with someone yet - but a ? icon provides them the gateway to the knowledge center.

You already have the functionality in the ‘Attention Grabber’ feature so it could be a relatively easy change. Thanks!



X2 I would love the same thing , I think the current widget icon is horrible.

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Exactly - the option could basically be to not have an icon and just use the attention grabber functionality which already allows you to upload your own image.

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Did you see my other suggestion regarding editing the text for the ‘bar’ based widget option? These two together would be major improvements.

Yes there is a way you can put a custom text on the minimized button. you can go to channels > Language> Edit content> Minimized Status Text.

I cannot seem to find it…

you have to first choose first this on widget apperance

then the option will appear on widget content language.

Note: There is no option to change the text in the minimized widget for mobile. You can only customize the widget content in desktop.

Thank-you! this is not intuitive at all in the user interface!

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This only gives you once choice a rectangular box that says online. Why can’t we upload our own image from our computer files to something we prefer?

I also don’t have the language option under channels only chat, page and knowledge base.