Ability to remove a property member from an internal group chat

Could organizational chat administrators only be granted the ability to remove a property manager from an internal group chat? Having to create a new group chat when a member leaves but forgets/neglects to remove themselves from an internal chat group means the organization might, eventually, have dozens of useless chat groups that cannot be completely removed because there are former property managers (removed from access to the organization’s chat altogether) who are still appearing in the chat group.

Hi wcorkern,

Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, at the moment, it’s not possible to remove an agent from a group chat since group chats are not directly linked to specific properties. However, we are working on improving the functionality of group chats and direct messages, and this feature may be added in the future.

If you are an admin of a property and need to disable access for a team member, you can contact us through chat at tawk.to or via email at support@tawk.to. Our team will be happy to assist you with this.

Thank you for using our service and please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,