Better view for internal KB articles? Links to private articles?

Can there be a page for staff to view all the articles, public and private, similar to the public KB page at but logged in? This way, users can search for text within articles, view full screen, easily navigate to various categories, can click thumbs up, can view the articles with full width etc.?

As of now, we can read private articles only by going to the list of all the articles but can not search for text within an article, or we can see them in the sidebar during chats.

This would also give us a simple way to share the URL to the private articles, and it would only work if the person is logged in as a staff member.


Hi @BennyIs,

Welcome to the Community!

Thanks for your suggestion - great idea. We have documented this request and our product team will consider it for future updates.

Could you tell me more about how you are planning to use internal KB articles in your organization?

We value your feedback and would love to learn more to better understand why this is important for you.



We use the KB internally for our staff to check on policies, resources etc. while responding to queries.

If they are talking to customers via chat (or emails which can be dealt with as Tickets in the platform, they can use the sidebar as they are already in the Inbox view. But if they are on the phone, the regular, full screen, view would be a better UX.

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Great points, thanks for your input!