Chat adjusted to the language version of the site

Hello again,

the description and appearance of my chat is defined in a given language (tips, form, headers, etc.).

Is it possible for the language to change depending on the language version of the site or the user’s location?

At this point, in each chat variant, it only displays content in the language that has been defined in the widget settings. I would like it to react dynamically to the user’s preferences.

Is not possible so far as I’m aware
But you can have multiple widgets on different pages. Each one with different language

I also do not understand why I can edit phrases and choose from different language for a widget, but why the widget uses a fixed language at the end. This make the selection of a language for the chat widget pointless or do I miss something?

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Hi @Lars,

There are several fields that are translated on the backend. If you notice any missing or incorrect translations, you can submit changes here: