Chat Agent has more control - Close chat session and email chat script once closed

At Genesis Medical Scheme it is really important that we can control the chat scripts. We can’t allow the user to edit the information in any way, nor do we what our agents to edit the information.

  • We would like to have the ability for the chat agent to end the chat session and get emailed the then chat script right away. So that we have an official request via email.

We need this to prevent fraud and at the same time assist our members swiftly.w

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You can send a transcipt right after the conversation has ended. and make sure the right people are getting notified just need to enter the emails accounts and choose which notifications do you want so recieve on the mail notification settings

Hi GeneisisMedicalScheme,
Thank you for reaching out. I can see how a button that sends an automatic system email that agents can click to send transcripts to visitors could be beneficial and I have submitted it for consideration for future updates.

Our automatic chat transcripts are read-only and no alterations can be made.
Chat sessions end once visitor has concluded a chat, if you close an active chat from the dashboard, it can be found on the Monitoring list up until its session is concluded, at which point the finished chat transcript will be stored in Inbox and automatically sent to agents per Mail notification settings.
Visitors can request Chat Transcript to be emailed at any point by clicking the extra button on top of the Chat widget, additionally, they are prompted to Send Chat Transcript once they conclude the chat session.

Hope this clarifies things.
Let us know if you have any other suggestions.