Chat Not Working Properly on Safari Browser

I am writing to report an issue I have encountered with the chat widget on the Safari browser. The chat does not seem to function properly and this issue is impacting our ability to effectively communicate with our users who are using Safari.

Issue Details:

  • Browser: Safari
  • Version: 15.6.1 (17613.
  • Description of Issue: messages not showing up
  • Steps to Reproduce:
    1- Open Safari browser.
    2- Navigate to our website
    3- Attempt to use the chat widget.

I would appreciate it if you could investigate this issue and provide a solution or workaround. If you need any further information or if there are any specific tests you would like me to perform, please let me know.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Hi @Abdelkebir7y,

Thanks for reaching out and reporting this issue.

We have been testing this on both Desktop and Mobile, but couldn’t replicate it.

Are you using a VPN or other third-party plugins?

Could you please share some screenshots or a video recording of what you are seeing from your side?

We look forward to hearing from you!


Hi @kristaps

Thank you for your prompt response.

I am not using a VPN or any third-party plugins that could interfere with the chat widget. The issue persists despite this.

Additional Details:
- Operating System: macOS 12.7
- Frequency: The issue occurs every time I attempt to use the chat widget on Safari.

Please find attached a screenshot showing the issue.

I hope this helps in diagnosing the problem. If you need any further information or additional recordings, please let me know.

Thank you for your assistance.

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Hi @Abdelkebir7y, thank you very much!

Would it be possible to also get a screenshot of the dev console?

We believe the culprit error will be shown there.

Alternatively, we can schedule a call. If you’d like to organize a call, please email me at

I can confirm I’m having the same issue.

here’s the console screenshot.

also happening on:
Big sur safari 14.1 latest
Monterrey safari 15.6 latest
Catalina safari 13.1 latest

workig fine on : Ventura safari 16.5 latest and Sonoma 17.3 latest

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Hi @kristaps

As requested, I have recorded a video that shows both the issue and the developer console.

Please find the video recording at the following link: - Google Drive

Additional Details:

  • The chat widget was working properly on 05/15/2024.
  • The issue was first encountered on 05/23/2024.
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Thank you, @LEOHDZ & @Abdelkebir7y, very helpful! We are working on it and will keep you posted.

We are having the same problem with Chrome.

Hello everyone,

We have implemented a temporary solution to ensure the widget functions properly. Could you please test the widget again? If it works as expected, we will proceed with releasing the update to all users.

Thank you for your feedback, and cooperation @Abdelkebir7y @LEOHDZ @Redleafc!

Yes I can confirm is working on:
Big sur safari 14.1 latest
Monterrey safari 15.6 lastest
Ventura safari 16.5 latest
Sonoma Safari 17.3 latest

widget does not appear on Catalina Safari 13.1 latest but I guess it’s ok since it is a really an old OS.

thanks for the fix.

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Thanks for confirming, @LEOHDZ! I’m marking this thread as resolved.

If you run into any other related issues, please don’t hesitate to report them here.

Thanks, everyone!