Chat shows as online when no agents are logged in

We have been using the online chat on our site for several years.
Recently the chat is showing as online even though no agents are logged in.
I dont know why it is doing this
the site uses the Nitropack caching system.
I have tried clearing the page from the cache, but for some users the chat is still showing as online.
We are therefore getting missed chat messages when no agents are logged in.
Can anyone advise why it is doing this and how to resolve it
thank you

This has been discussed on several other posts please do use the search function anyway here is the solution

thank you.

I have changed this setting on the chat widget and it seems to have resolved the issue.

I will continue to monitor it

I did search for the solution before posting a message, but could not find an article under the subject I used.

thanks for your help

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You’re welcome I’m glad you resolved the issue