Custom attributes in Triggers

Make Custom attributes (and all other attributes for that matter) usable in Trigger conditions. Triggers should have finer control over how the notifications/chats are triggered, and this cannot be a technically demanding thing, as you’ve implemented something like this already. It only need to be a “text exactly matches/contains/does not contain text” type of deal.

Hi Santorrr,

Thank you for your request. We have plans for expanding the Attribute system of our Contacts so it would interlink with trigger and pre-chat field systems.
I can see how our trigger system could benefit from quality-of-life updates and I am sure our Product team will take your feedback into consideration.

Let us know if you have any other ideas or feedback.

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Hello, I would like to add on this to make it possible to disable triggers when a user is already chatting with an agent. Currently my agents complain when triggers interfer with the conversations between agent-user.


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Hi ivanleeg,

The current workaround for custom triggers that interfere with agent work would be adding conditions ‘‘Visitor Served = False’’ and ‘‘Visitor requesting chat = False’’ as part of your Advanced trigger.

With these conditions trigger will not fire if an agent is already answering the chat.

Hope this helps.

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