Email notification when visitor starts a chat

It would be helpful if the agents receive an email when someone opens the chat widget or sends the first message.

Hi there, @falke

Thank you for your suggestion. At, our focus is to provide a seamless live chat experience for both agents and website visitors. Currently, agents receive sound and desktop notifications when a live chat is initiated, ensuring they are alerted promptly to respond.

While we don’t send emails when someone opens the chat widget or sends the first message, we do send emails after the conversation ends or if a chat is missed. This ensures that agents can follow up on conversations effectively and provide timely support.

If you have any further questions or suggestions, feel free to let us know. We appreciate your feedback as we strive to improve our platform for our users.

I am happy that Apollo answers all chats when I am not available, but I would like to get a notification every time a user starts a new chat. So, in case I am available, I can see that someone needs me, can overview the chat and join in if I think it is required.
But the thing is, even when I am available, when someone starts a new chat and Apollo answers, I get no notification at all and dont know about it. I only get a message after the chat is over, but it is too late to join the closed chat.
I was already informed that it is not possible to get notifications about new chats, when Apollo is answering them. Is it possible to add this option? Its just a notification for all new chats. Regardless if someone answers them or not. Could be a feature in Apollo settings - get notified of all new chats.

Hi @Ivy860,

To get notified about all incoming chats, please activate the delayed answer feature in the AI Assist settings, as shown below:

This works perfectly! Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re most welcome! :slight_smile: