Google Business Profile Chat & Facebook Chat

Hello! I’ve been looking for Google Business Profile chat integration for quite a while now. Google Business Profile is a businesses Google Business page you can look up on your phone Google Maps, or the web. Google Business Profile allows you to turn on a “Chat” feature which allows customers to message the business with questions from their phone. The business can also turn on quote requests which come in through email.

I’m looking for Google Business Profile chat integration. When active, when customers message the business through Google Business Profile, it would take the chat messages and direct them into This would now allow the new Apollo AI to auto respond as well. Quote requests from Google Business Profile go to email which would also be excellent if they could be forwarded into chat for Apollo AI auto responses.

I’m looking for the same integration with Facebook Chat so customers can message us. I know Zapier works with this side of things, however I haven’t had a great experience with Zapier.

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Hi MystaFyer,
Thank you for reaching out. I understand your need for Google Business Profile and Facebook Chat integration into and Apollo AI. Our team is actively working on the prerequisites of these features. Please rest assured, our aim is to enhance our service by including additional communication channels and introducing functionalities such as asynchronous conversation to our dashboard. Updates on this are planned for later this year. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Let us know if you have any other ideas or suggestions.

Hi, is there an API to use for this? I saw that with the REST API a developer is able to list chats, list conversation history, but I wonder if the API is complete enough to provide ability for integrating with other Chat apps, such as Google Chat? I mean is there REST API endpoint for responding to visitor in his chat window and is there a way to notify Google Chat endpoint about incoming messages from the visitor? I mean something like already existing webhook for new chats, but this time not only for new chats, but also for subsequent messages in already open chat window?