[Solved] Widget creates an invisible iframe layer blocking items behind it

When I load my page the iframe loads with display: block !important which in turns blocks access to any links or form fields that happen to be behind this position on the website.

It can be fixed by clicking on the chat icon which opens the chat widget. Closing the chat widget changes the iframe to display: none which fixes the problem.

How can I make it so that when I load the page the iframe loads initially with display: none.

I’m using the Wordpress plugin at the moment but if I need to change to insert code manually I will to fix this problem.

This is actually even worse than I thought when used on mobile.

When I load my site on mobile every single link on the site cannot be interacted with until I open the tawk widget and then close it again.

We faced the issue earlier, but it appears to be resolved now.

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Thank you for posting in our community forum.

We sincerely apologize for the recent issue affecting websites using the tawk.to chat widget.

This was due to a bug in our latest update, causing the widget to cover the site with a transparent iframe when maximized, making it unclickable.

We promptly resolved this issue and are taking measures to prevent such incidents in the future. For real-time updates and monitoring, please refer to our status page:

We appreciate your trust and patience as we work to maintain reliable service.

If you have further concerns or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll do our best.
