Know Your Customer


I use the chat widget on my website and am very satisfied.

I would like one more thing.

My widget is only visible to my registered B2B customers. Pre-chat is activated. But since I always know my customers, I would like to skip the pre-chat and always know immediately who my customer is.

Is there a possibility to integrate it like this?

I used to use Freshworks live chat and they gave this option. It was a lot easier for us in the company.

We would be very happy about this feature.


Best regards
immosearch team

Hi @immosearchsupport,

Thanks for your question and welcome to the community!

Yes, you can pre-fill the pre-chat form using our JavaScript API. Learn more here: Set Name & Email Through The JavaScript API – Developer Portal

Let me know if you’re able to successfully implement this solution or if you have any other questions. Happy to help.


Hi and thanks!

I was told in live chat that this feature doesn’t exist and that I should create a post for it on this tawk-page.

Now I’m happy that these exist!

As I see, there is “Name” and “Email”. Can I also add a 3rd value? Is there a possibility?

We need 3 values:

Name (first+lastname)

Additional question: Do I have to deactivate the pre-chat for this widget?


Hi @immosearchsupport,

Yes, you can add other values in the pre-chat form. However, I’m not sure if they can be pre-filled because it would require the field to have a linked variable. We may be adding a solution for this in the future.

Depending on how you’ve set it up, if you deactivate the pre-chat form, the fields may no longer be pre-set. I suggest testing it out to see if you can reach the desired outcome.

Let me know how it goes and if you have any other queries.
