Spam Protection against AI Credits


Add spam protection to live chat.
I’m sick of people spamming random letters to use up my Tawk ai credits its really annoying.
Please add some protection to stop this.

Even if they are banned from the live chat they just use different browsers / VPNs to come back banning is not effective.


Hi @Tension,

Thanks for your feedback. While you can ban spammers using this guide: Banning a Visitor, I understand that VPNs can make this challenging.

Out of curiosity, aside from the random letters you mentioned, what types of messages are being sent repeatedly? This could help us better understand the behavior and explore ways to address it.

To make it harder for repeat spammers, you might consider adding a Pre-chat Form as an extra layer of friction: How to set up a Pre-Chat Form.

Let me know if this helps?

Thanks for the reply.
I will take a look at adding a pre chat form.

The messages that are repeated are just random letters i have attached a photo.

This will happen every few weeks where a user would just spam random emojis / letters / words which wastes my AI credit as the ai just responds " How can i assist " everytime.


Thank you, we’ll look into this. If you’re approaching your monthly AI message limit because of this, please email me at and I’ll sort you out.

Thanks you Kristaps, Really appreciate it.

Have a great rest of your day.

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is this something that will be implemented?

Hi @Tension, are you constantly receiving spam messages like this?

Please share some examples with me via email at Thank you.

Still happening