Emails language should be customizable

Ticket reply emails are in English, not in locale language. For example:-

##- Please Type your reply above this line -##

This is confusing to non-English speakers.

Plus 338 votes


Yes please this is a must, I don’t get why everything else can be translated but not the email reply on the tickets.


Hi Leo,

Thanks for commenting and welcome to the community!

Our team is aware of this and looking into it. We will keep you posted with updates on this thread.

If you have any additional questions, feedback, or suggestions, feel free to create new topics in the community. We will review them and respond as soon as we can.


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Please also manage TimeZones. At the moment ticket emails are in English AND time is off by several hours.
This kills the use of Tawkto in any non-EU environment and I’m looking for another solution unfortunately.


Hey Marcel, I get what you mean. The timestamps in tickets are based on GMT. We will consider changing it to a variable at some stage.

Thanks for your feedback!

Are there any other reasons why you’re looking for alternatives?

Yes, I do not use ticketing system for the very same reason. being able to change language and timezone should be a must because it is useless for non english speaking users for now.

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If you guys require help translating from English to Spanish - Spain (Europe) I am more than happy to help.

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Hey Guillermo,

Welcome to the Community! We appreciate your willingness to contribute to translating our software into Spanish.

At the time of this post, our software is 97% translated into Spanish by our community on Crowdin. You can make contributions here: Translating tawk to Spanish language - Crowdin

To translate the ticket emails, we need to make adjustments to our software backend. Currently, this task is on our product backlog and will be addressed once we have completed our other priority items.


We do not use ticketing system because of that very important reason. We need spanish language in ticket emails

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Hi, ticketin systme is really great, but please add tranlastion for ticket emails as soon as possible.

Hi @juki8, have you tried using AI Assist’s Smart Reply?

You can generate responses based on your FAQs and business information in the visitor’s language.

Learn more here:

Nmm not really a substitute

I came here hoping that this feature would be already implemented or at least coming up.

Please make the ticket system and more importantly the ticketing messages (like the “Your message has been received and is currently being reviewed by our team. For your reference, this ticket id is #1.” email) translated!

I am specifically looking for the German translation.

I am very happy that the Widget & the Knowledge Base are so customizable and translated already! But this really surprised me.

Please make this a higher priority and get this launched sooner rather than later.

Warm regards,

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+1 pretty much agreed

+1 fixed english texts in the emails are a dealbreaker

yes we do not even use that feature because of that.

Amazing topic, this is a must, sounds simple, Idk much as the dev team, but is really helpful for us. Can´t use in production mode without this.

same situation here leo!

I just came here to request this feature and realized I wasn’t the first one. Please, dear devs, prioritize this. It’s a big world, and not all are native English speakers. Let me know if you need help translating to German or Swedish, and I’ll do it for you!

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I’ll be happy to translate to Hebrew.